"A reader
lives a thousand lives before he dies...
The man who never
reads lives only one."

- George R.R. Martin

Monday, March 26, 2012

The disappointments of Wallwisher and the Greatness of Popplet

After reading the Web 2.0 section in Technology Applications for the Digital Classroom, I thought I would try creating a Wallwisher. Wallwisher is an online bulletin board where the creator and others can collaborate and share information.

I was very disappointed with this application as you could only change the back drop, but not the sticky notes, which do NOT look like sticky notes, like the Mac App has. I was also disappointed because the said "sticky notes" only allow for 160 characters! With further research into someone else's blog I discovered that Wallwisher is one of the first online bulletin boards = OLD! (for technology that is). I also discovered a newer online board that allows for a creative design, change of color, no character limitations, pictures, videos and more. This board is called Popplet.

While Popplet still does not have "sticky notes" like my Mac... It is more fun to use, better looking, and you can even draw pictures, connect thoughts to create webs, upload numerous pictures and you can share it easily for others to collaborate with you. I am much happier with my Popplet and have disregarded wallwisher.

And what a thought, I can embed it here for the world to see and add to...

Beginnings of my Google Reflection

I was very frustrated as I spend hours trying to embed my prezi onto my google site. I watched videos. I read articles. I was doing everything right, but I kept getting a warning and it would not load. I had kept coming across a gadget called iFrame. I finally gave it a try in a last ditch attempt and low and behold it worked! My content (Prezi) was embedded. I did have to resize the iFrame and get rid of the scroll bar, but my Prezi is functioning and I am happy. 

Since then I have tried to embed other things like my Shelfari, but the google sites html box does no good. I have continued to use iFrame and am very content! 

Furthermore, with this blog, also powered by Google, I can easily embed html without using an outside gadget. Oh the mysteries of technology. I am just glad everything is coming together and starting to look good. 
Check it out here: https://sites.google.com/site/sarakingteachmusic/
Check out my new Shelfari! What a neat site to organize and share all of the books you have read! I am very excited to share my book adventures and reviews with students and friends. Enjoy!

Friday, March 16, 2012